Wednesday, April 4
Wednesday, March 21
And quite a number of happenings in the past weeks...random
Water Baptism

Metamorphosis... the deco was breath-taking... thanks Gwen and team for doing such a good job in organising this!

Our last MOS... I will miss you guys :D

NE Alumni @ Daniel's place... It was wonderful catching up with you guys again :)

Scandalous..hee hee

Celebrated Yenli's birthday!

Monday, March 5
Friday, February 9
Am i the right prototype/seed?
If the seed is right, its natural for the harvest to come and the harvest to be "right" as well. I was challenged not to set exceptions for myself. One aspect that God challenges me is the aspect of obedience. To say "Yes" to God immediately. Obey immediately. I find that many a times when God promps me to do something, i will tend to bargain with Him... so many times :( and i know that as a result God cant use me...
One of my "idol" is Cindy Jacobs.. haha.. i think that she rocks! She is a prophet, greatly use by God. Heard that her prophecies were so accurate. When she first met Ps David Chan, she told him "Africa, Africa, Africa!" She didnt have prior knowledge that he was involved in the African missions... how cool is that? Then she also gave some sharp prophecies to Hope BBK. From her book, i discovered that she didnt start off this way. She started off with God prompting her to give a prophecy to the congregation. She was so afraid that she didnt obey... then she repented and asked God to use her again. This time, God prompted her to stand up and speak. When she stood up there were no words coming to her, she realised that she got to speak tongues! She was scared but did it nevertheless God gave her the interpretation after which...(seems quite familar...hahahaa)
Then another time, God told her to go to one of the light shops near the street to buy lights. So she drove her kids to that shop. There were many "Sale" signs outside the shop. She thought to herself "maybe God is helping me to save some money". Upon buying the lights, she met the Jewish owner and asked him why he wanted to close down the shop. He told her that he had a terminal disease and he was left with only a few weeks. She sensed that God "was up to something". Immediately, she turned back to leave the shop. As she was walking, God spoke to her to go back to pray for the man and tell him that God had healed him! She was so frightened by that thought and mind you, he was a Jew! After some internal struggles, she walked up to him and asked if she could pray for him. After praying for him, she told him that God had healed him. She fled from the shop. She went back to the shop 1 week later after much courage and told the man that she was the one who prayed for him. Immediately, he broke down into tears and told her that when he went to the doctor for check up, the doctor said that he was completely well! From then on, she realised the importance of immediate obedience.
I felt so inspired reading her book. GOd wants to use us but are we willing? So the question is not "God, will you use me" but rather "am i willing to obey?"
God is true and so is His word. If God is who He says He is, if His Word is true, then obey completely and live for it fully! Is God's kingdom worth building? If it is, then go all the way... why start and not complete it?
Gosh... seriously Eelee, you only have 1 life to live... make it count!!!
Monday, January 15
Nevertheless, God has been good in my family. My uncle who was quite a hard core non believer, who resisted Christianity for God knows how long, actually got converted! My cousin who was notorious for his addiction to mahjong also came to receive Jesus. Now he is no longer playing mahjong, people just cannot believe that he is a Christian :) This is awesome! Children of God come in all shapes, sizes, personalities and background.
My cousin, Sharon has such a strong desire for God. The whole time during our meal, she was passionately sharing her blessings with me her. She even shared with me on who she wants to bring to come to experience this love of Jesus next.
My young cousin, she is just cute and so "adult-ish" for her age. Going around the table, hunting for interesting games on our handphones to play with.
Friday, January 12
michael said that God wants me to have the patience of salvation and the patience for God's delieverance. The passage given is from Ps 6
3 My soul is in anguish. How long, O LORD, how long?
4 Turn, O LORD, and deliver me; save me because of your unfailing love.
5 No one remembers you when he is dead. Who praises you from the grave?
6 I am worn out from groaning; all night long I flood my bed with weeping and drench my couch with tears.
7 My eyes grow weak with sorrow; they fail because of all my foes.
8 Away from me, all you who do evil, for the LORD has heard my weeping.
9 The LORD has heard my cry for mercy; the LORD accepts my prayer.
10 All my enemies will be ashamed and dismayed; they will turn back in sudden disgrace.
Actually i feel that this word is not so applicable to me now but maybe in the future... blogging this as a reminder
Ps Ben prayed for me to have clarity in my mind & soul for this coming year and God will meet my every need.
Thursday, January 4
i love the tune of this... Canon in C...BK showed me last Sat.. wonder if i can ever get close to playing this..its takes a miracle :D
this statement from John C Maxwell struck me "Dont judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant."
There are some people who
- never invest but expect to collect, they complain
- never invest and dont expect to collect, they suffer
- invest but want to collect now, they quit
- continue to invest but want to collect later, they win
- strategically invest and they will collect big
so what seeds have i planted today?