Wednesday, March 31

Day 36
Pray with expectation that God will bless NE in a mighty way when we humble ourselves to pray. Pray that we would see 25 retained converts in April harvest. Pray for the number of people you want to bring to know Christ in Nov.

[Ezra 8: 21-23]

4 more days and we will end our 40 days journey with God!

watching passion of the Christ tonight *excited*

I was talking to one of my secondary sch plus ex church friend yesterday and i was just so utterly amazed by God's grace. She left God 7 years ago and I have been trying to get her back since. Finally after 7 years, she responded to God. Something happened in her family that caused her to realize that life is more than this. I was so glad chatting with her yesterday and her desire for God is so obvious and infectious. It's like finding a long lost love. I am so happy for her :)

we were discussing several issues together, why people leave and so on. This passage speaks volume – Malachi 3:13-18

sometimes we live in God's grace and protection for so long that we forgot what it will be like to be living without it. Then we start to think that the pasture is greener on the other side. We may even think that we are being short changed for something better. I think this is what happened to Adam and Eve. Eve was deceived to think that God didn't want her to eat the fruit as He was afraid that she would be as wise as Him. It is NOT furtile to obey and do the will of God.

After the conversation, I am reminded to give thanks for what God has given me and to see things in Godly perspectives. Take delight and see the value in what i am doing.

Monday, March 29

lets prepare our hearts towards Easter. F&P at least one meal per day. THe prayer guide can be obtained from the CL community website.

i am really excited about this easter harvest, sense in my heart that they will be MANY people who will say YES to Jesus and we will be the vessel that God will use.

Lets seize this opportunity to do our best. Go find our 5 friends to SOW on and fast & pray for them. Come on NE, we want to see at least 20 retained converts this Easter, lets do it together. Lets go get our sheep this Easter!

This Sat SS is exciting as well!! We are now at the FIRST Service and i believe that the atmosphere will be explosive. Wear your school uniform and i encouraged you to get as many pple in ur sch to come. We will take a picture together. This is just a minature picture of what it will be like when all our 32 schools come together. Anyone, want to lend me your sch uniform? Perhaps i can wear back my srjc uniform. haha... cant imagine myself wearing one now.

its so exciting man... wow EXCITED about GROWTH!!! Its coming ... or rather its HERE

Thursday, March 25

Day 30
[Acts 19,20]

Miracles! Lets see miracles in our pioneering

its day 30! how time flies... has your relationship with our maker been stronger? If not, its time to start.

just had fish soup bee hoon for lunch. two thumbs up for it... its really delicious.. yummy. Those coming joo chiat, let me know. I can bring you to try it!

Wednesday, March 24

Day 29
[Acts 17,18]
- What is the difference in those who are eager to know the word and those who are not?
- Has your enthusiasm faded? A healthy Christian should get more excited about God everyday.

Tuesday, March 23

The Passion of the Christ Movie is M18

Anyone interested to watch on 2 April? Let me know, i will try to book the tickets earlier, its a HOT show! of course, this only applies to those who are 18 and above =)

There are benefits to being old... hehe

also remember to gather new contacts, its crucial for our harvesting.
lets work and pray hhhhhaaaaaaarrrrrrrrdddddd

Day 28
[Acts 15,16]
- How powerful is encouragement from others?

Monday, March 22

this week's focus is to
Day 28
[Acts 15,16]
- Why did God instill so many customs in the past? What were they for? Why do we not have to practice them now?
- How powerful is encouragement from others?
Day 27
[Acts 13,14]
- Why do we receive the Holy Spirit? How can it help us?
- How can we use it to minister for others and ourselves?
Day 26
[Acts 11,12]
- Compare the world now and what God made it to be. Does it make you feel like taking action?
- Does it help us when we glorify God instead of ourselves? What is the right way to accept compliments?

Friday, March 19

Day 25
[Acts 9,10]
- Can you remember how you came to know Jesus? When was the last time you shared it with someone? If it was long ago, why so? How is your fire for God?

God's Resume
author unknown

To Whom It May Concern,

I heard you were considering a new manager in your life. I would like to apply for the job. I believe I am the most qualified candidate. I am the only one that has ever done this job successfully. I was the first manager of human beings.

In fact I made them, so naturally I know how humanity works, and what is best to get people back into proper working condition. It will be like having the manufacturer as your personal mechanic.

If this is your first time considering me, I would just like to point out that my salary has already been paid by the blood of my son, Jesus on the cross of Calvary. What I need from you is the acknowledgement that the price is sufficient to pay for all of your sin and your independence from Me. I need you to believe this in your heart and to tell somebody else about your decision with your mouth.

The next thing I ask is the right to change and fix your life so you can learn how to stay close to Me. I will make some major changes and revisions. They are not for you to worry about. I need your permission to execute these changes, My way and in My time. I will change your desires and give you the strength to make the changes. Please keep your hands out of the way. Don't try to help me and Don't resist me. I really do need your full commitment and cooperation. If you give me those, the process can go smoothly, without delays.

Yours Sincerely,


P.S. I created the heavens and the earth. I AM. BELOW IS MY RESUME...

EXPERIENCE - From the beginning of time. Before the beginning of time. From everlasting to everlasting. I made time.

ABILITY - All Powerful

PRIOR EMPLOYMENT - Created the universe, put the galaxies in place, formed man. Established heaven and earth by My spoken Word and am currently holding up the world by My power.

EDUCATION AND TRAINING - I AM and I have all knowledge.

CHARACTER REFERENCE - Love, light, and life (1 John 4:16, 1 John 1:5, John 14:6). A representative, but by no means conclusive list of other character traits follows:

Wisdom - James 1:5
Comfort - Corinthians 1:3
Truth - John 8:32
Healer - 1 Peter 2:24
Strength - Phil. 4:13
Forgiveness - 1 John 1:9
Provider - Phil. 4:19
Mercy - Ephesians 2:24
Good - Matt. 19:17
Peace - Romans 14:17

AVAILABILITY - Willing and ready to take over your life. Able to put your life together again. Will bring all of who I AM into your life. Can start now. Will transform your life if you let Me.

SALARY REQUIREMENT - Work in your life has already been paid for through the blood of My Son, Jesus. Your only responsibility is to commit initially and on a daily basis. To trust and obey what Jesus has done and wants to do in your life.

REFERENCES - References available upon request.

Thursday, March 18

Day 24
[Acts 7,8]
- How much will you endure for God?
- Are there times in which you could have shared about Jesus but didnt?

had a great family time yesterday.

Thank God for the weather. It didnt rain the whole of the afternoon despite the prediction of the weather forecast. Geraldine brought her dog and it was cute... kind of distracted by it :) Anyway lets hear it for our brothers & sisters who have done well for the Lord again!! ** clap clap clap **

Winner: Baorun
Though she is not a shepherd or a follow upper yet, she is a good armour bearer and great support to the cg. Even though she may not see fruits in her evangelism, she always perseveres on and continued to carry on a spirit of humility to learn more from the way she asks questions during teachings. Her support is asseverated in how she had went home on one occassion and helped her leader to recount and recount the people who came for service because she really wants the group to hit the end Feb. goal. She also helps to care and love for the other sheep mates in her school well by sharing with them biblical values and guiding them in her own quiet way

Winner : Freedy (NEC1)
He is a brother who has a great heart for God and for man. He often asks his shepherd how to walk closer with God and how to please God more. He is very sensitive to the Holy Spirit, wanting to ensure everything he does glorifies God. This can be shown in his conscientious effort towards his studies, to always stay disciplined in revising after and before his ministry. He has proven himself also as a faithful and loving shepherd. He will faithfully meet his people every week and ensure the meet up is a fruitful one. He is constantly thinking of ideas in how to become a better shepherd in terms of loving his people and growing them. Just in 2 months time, he has not also raised up as a shepherd but as a leader over JC group.

Winner : Jiancong (Joseph)
He is consistent in following through the qt plan. He shared with his shepherd that he wants to grow in his discipline to read God's Word, and he meant what he shared. Recently Daniel read through his quiet time book and witnessed that the things he wrote are detailed stuff. From here We could see his diligence and discipline in learning God's Word. Thus this will also further prepare him for the coming growth.

Winner: EEvoon (Most loving CL)
She shows unconditional love and care for her flock. Though she is not touchy kind and will not say, "I love u" to her flock directly, her actions speak for her love for her flocks. There’s once she was hospitalized, her heart is really for her people. Her first sms was not to tell mi how uncomfortable she is or etc. but to me ask mi to help take care of her people for the time being n help her in conducting her CG. Even when ask to pray for herself during CG 404 (b4 worship when Eelee ask us to) she ask if she can pray for her people instead. She will visit her people at evening time to make sure to get a touch w them if they din go for CG times. She always believes and hopes for her people. Her loves for her people are also shown in her spiritual life. Though times the group may b facing tough times, she dun leave, and dun go MIA. Instead she sticks on w God. Her love for God n her people are clearly shown. :)

Winner : Ruizhen
She got this sheep that is struggling with certain areas. And the sheep needs a lot of attention, counseling etc. Ruizhen unconditionally gave her attention and time, amidst heavy study-load. She persevered in praying for her sheep, and sets a good example for them. Gradually, the sheep has shown signs of improvement.

Yo pple lets move towards our 120 pple and our NE sports day!! I have heard several who said that you want to be a CL / shepherd by then. I got pple who come up to me to ask how they can lead a CG. So encouraging =) Hey, lets move towards it, i am sure that with God on our side, this can be done. I will pray for you too.

I am so glad that i am in this NE family :)
Day 23
[Acts 5,6]
- God knows everything about us. Are you trying to hide from God? Why?
- We have been chosen by God, and it is our honor to serve him. Do we act like it is?

Tuesday, March 16

Day 22
[Acts 3,4]
- Do you have compassion on unbelievers and their fate?
- What are you like with your material wealth?


Monday, March 15

NE Family Day coming!!!
Wednesday, meet 1.30pm at East Coast Mac.
We will have an exciting time of fellowship, fun, games, food and sun!!

Let's see 100 pple coming to celebrate together!
Do call up all your new believers and everyone to come
Day 21
[Acts 1,2]
- Are you serving God with the Holy Spirit?
- What is fellowshipping about? How does it help us spiritually?
Day 20
Reflect on the last 10 days’ prayers.
[Mark 11:22-25, Ephesians 6:10-18]
Day 19
We are just the vessels of God. We will not boast about our own talents but we know that it is God that helps and anoint us.
[1 Cor 3:5-9, 2 Cor 10:15-17]

Friday, March 12

Day 18
What spiritual gifting has God blessed you with? Are we faithful with our spiritual giftings?
[1 Cor 14:1-5, 1 Corinthians 12]


Thursday, March 11

Day 17
Understand the importance of having a worshipful life. Are we living our lives as living sacrifice to God?
[John 4:21-24, Romans 12:1-2]

Wednesday, March 10

having my lunch break now, a pretty late one.
Havent been going home early these few days and i am exhausted
Got to put Jasmine's lesson to use, got to have a sabath rest :)

anyway better blog this down to remind myself of wat God spoke to me. I went for the TCC conference last week and it struck me about having a PARADIM SHIFT. The speaker was sharing examples about how runners previously didnt think that they can run the round below 4 minutes. It was an unbreakable mark. But once someone has done it, everyone starts to do it as well. They had a paradim shift. And there were many illustrations on this. When people have a new perspective of the situtaion, they start to behave and act differently as well. I kinda forget about this.

Then on Monday night, Shirley prayed for me and this was what exactly she prayed for. Paradim shift!!

I need to have a new perspective of what my grp is like.
Sometimes if not careful, we may be so caught up in the issues that we cant see what God is doing. Or worse still, we stop believing in the promises of God and got contended with the current situation. This is so yucky...

This week, i am praying for God to give me a paradim shift. To see as how He sees. This statement struck me as well, " Faith is what you believe in the most"

i am very excited about this Sat's church anniversary. I went for the practice yesterday. Tell you, there are 45 pple choir on the stage and 4 worship leaders. So cool! I think the atmosphere will be so explosive as we celebrate what God has done in our church :)

This will be a fantastic time to invite all our pre believers and new believers. Moreover next week is a HOLIDAY. Lets invite all of them to come celebrate the birthday of our church!! NE, lets pack the second service and i am looking forward to this time of celebration.

"I want to be a shepherd" meet will be 1pm at RC. I hope that you will join me together in this vision, to make a difference in NE and where we are.
Day 16
To do God’s work, we have and should become more like our Savior. What are some aspects we need to grow in?
[Galatians 5:22-26, 2 Cor 5:17-21, Phil 1:9-11]

Phew its day 16, how are you doing?
Day 15
There are many parts in God’s body, do you know yours? Are we doing our part in the body of Christ?

[1 Corinthians 12:12-31]

Monday, March 8

Day 14
Ask God to rekindle the fire within us.
Day 13
When trouble comes, is our first instinct that of turning of trusting in God through prayer?
[John 14:1-4, Jeremiah 29:11-14]

Saturday, March 6

hmm... bloggin at this time, its Sat , 10,30 am and i am at home :)

wanna say a big THANK YOU to Ding Chuen for helping us with the NE map. He has put in alot of effort on this. Lets see the map as a reminder to our mission and fill it up with many NE CGs :-)
Day 12
When we build God's church , we need his divine strength. Ask God it! [eph 6:10-18, Phi 4:13, Mark 10:27]

I am trying hard not to be cynical man, trying real hard. Phew... Lord, help me not pass judgement cos i am not that good either. Lord i really need your strength to build this group!!! I am so weak but God, you are strong. Look up Ee lee! Look to God!

By faith, there will be a strong multi-tude of pple loving and worshipping you, even in NE. I am gonna believe this! Pple who dun make self centered decisions but make decisions becos of you. Pple who are willing to go through thick and thin with you. Pple who will not fall for the things of the world. I am gonna believe it because you say in your word that you will build your church and the gates of Hades will not overcome. I am gonna believe because you say that you are with me to the ends of the days. If you are for me, who can be against me? You say that i will bear much fruit and fruits that will LAST. You say that i can do all things through you who strengthens me. You promised that if I were to humble myself, you will give us the land. You say that every land that i set my foot on will be given me. You say that Abramham will have numerous descendants and You say that there will be a great multitude of pple that no one could count.

I believe and therefore i confess.
I will not be discouraged by the circumstances
I will not believed in the lies of the devil
There are pple who want to follow you.
There are pple out there who loves you.
There will be a great pool of biblical leaders in NE
There will be a unit in every one of the NE school.
I believe and therefore i speak
It can be done!
This is not just a positive affirmation but this is what your word says
And i know Lord, You never lie

Thursday, March 4

Day 11
What is it that God has called us to do?
[Genesis 1:28, Luke 8:16-18, Luke 13:6-9, Acts 1:8]

Deleted my last entry just in case it is mistaken as a criticism :)

Wednesday, March 3

Day 10
Go thru what u have prayed for the last 10 days.
[Col 4:12, col4:2, Rom 12:9-13]

Just reached home, had a pretty exciting day today.
Went for training and dl huddle, we are gonna grow big time in Easter!! Really look forward to the harvest that is coming.

Tuesday, March 2

Day 9
Pray for a teachable heart. Pride cometh before a fall.
[1 Peter 5:5-6, Ephesians 4:1-6, Psalm 25:9]

Are we willing to be corrected and when corrected, do we change?
Are we defensive about our every actions?

How are you doing in your journey with God?

"If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink" Jn 7:37
Lets thirst for more of God's pressence in our lives.

Monday, March 1

Day 8
Sensitivity to God's voice and His message for us
[1 Kings 19:11-13, Job 4:12]

Let's slow down and take time to listen to God.