Tuesday, September 27

Below are four (4) questions and a bonus question. You have to answer them instantly. You can't take your time, answer all of them immediately. OK? Let's find out just how clever you really are. Ready? GO!!! (scroll down)

First Question: You are participating in a race. You overtake the second person. What position are you in?

Answer: If you answered that you are first, then you are absolutely wrong! If you overtake the second person and you take his place, you are second! Try not to screw u p in the next question. To answer the second question, don't take as much time as you took for the first question.

Second Question: If you overtake the last person, then you are..?

Answer: If you answered that you are second to last, then you are wrong again. Tell me, how can you overtake the LAST Person? You're not very good at this! Are you?

Third Question: Very tricky math! Note: This must be done in your head only. Do NOT use paper and pencil or a calculator. Try it. Take 1000 and add 40 to it. Now add another 1000. Now add 30. Add another 1000. Now add 20. Now add another 1000 Now add 10. What is the total?

Did you get 5000? The correct answer is actually 4100 Don't believe it? Check with your calculator! Today is definitely not your day. Maybe you will get the last question right?

Fourth Question: Mary's father has five daughters: 1. Nana, 2. Nene, 3. Nini, 4. Nono. What is the name of the fifth daughter?

Answer: Nunu? NO! Of course not. Her name is Mary. Rea d the question again

Okay, now the bonus round: There is a mute person who wants to buy a toothbrush. By imitating the action of brushing one's teeth he successfully expresses himself to the shopkeeper and the purchase is done. Now if there is a blind man who wishes to buy a pair of sunglasses, how should he express himself?

He just has to open his mouth and ask, so simple :)

Saturday, September 24

clean hands and pure heart
wah.. today sermon really speaks to me.
I want to have clean hands and pure heart.
Help, Holy Spirit!!!

I was asking Shirls how does one increase in spiritual statue?
You know it when someone is close to God. Through the way the person leads and prays. You can just sense the anointing and even the closeness with God.
She said simply , "its pursuing God daily".
Simple and yet not too simple but I really want to put this in my agenda.. to chase God daily!

Met Eevoon & Debbie after CLM
Pretty Eevoon and Debbie. Actually its my good camera skill ;)

many more pics but couldnt upload.. another time then ;)

WEST CG on WED!!!!!!!! It will be AWESOME!

Thursday, September 22

Happy Birthday Jerel

I value your loyalty to God and His people. Appreciate what you've done for God and His people. Admire your willingess to come over to west when you were in the central group and your willingness to serve the guys who may be younger & different frm you. I said it before, you are gifted musically. Continue to use this gift for God. I am sure God has great things in store for you.. His bringing you to serve in West is surely not a conincidence. The best is yet to come!
Thanks for everything :)
PS. sorry this came 1 day late, thought ur birthday was today. Nevertheless, have a blessed birthday and year ahead :)

Tuesday, September 20

i am blogging at 5am in the morning!!!

cant sleep .. its a horrible feeling.. having a headache too
can this be credited to the coffee that i've drunk?

ok back to the questions.. actually while we were discussing the questions during DL huddle, there werent definite true/false answers to them thus below are my humble opinions .. hahaa

1. Platonic friendship. Firstly we got to define what platonic friendship is and the extent it covers. Platonic friendship means ideal or purely spiritual friendship. God created us to be spirit, soul and physically intertwined thus I feel that it's unlikely to share deep stuffs and not involve your spirit, SOUL and physical. In times when we are spiritually strong, maybe... but may pose as a great temptation when we are weak. And the question will be, are there other better alternatives than a platonic friendship?

2. Love at first sight - maybe lor but i think it may be more of lust at first sight ... hahaaa
But you never know lah.. the person may end up to be your spouse. But one thing for sure, love is not blind and its not the "hollywood" kind of love. Love is knowing not just the strengths of the person but the weakness as well and being able to accept and help/complement him/her.

3. Some pple believe that there is just one person that is "destined" from God to you and some otherwise. But I think the principle is trusting in God and waiting for His timing.

ok thats the end of "Dear Eelee" column.
And its time for me to try to get some sleep! Its frustrating!

God gives sleep to those He loves... make me sleep Lord!

Monday, September 19

Happy Birthday Ting!

You are like a chilli paddi.. hehee.. small yet impactful!
I admire your passion for God and His people (i remembered your vision casting session during camp), your determination, perserverance "never say die" spirit and your humility to admit weaknesses and grow. God has brought you far but i am sure that this is just the beginning. The best is yet to come. I've enjoyed the times spent together and looking forward to greater times ahead :)

I am excited at how God will bring you and your team to the promised land. Remember that all successful man/woman went through tough patches and waiting time before they see the fulfilment of His promise. Hang on, press on, we will surely see it!

faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see

Thursday, September 15

Love Is In The Air
Yesterday's DL huddle was exciting. Why? Becos the topic is on "Romantic Relationship"

Let me ask u 3 qns and you answer True/False
  1. A purely plationic friendship between a male and a female is possible but unlikely
  2. It is perfectly ok for Christians to experience love at first sight
  3. There is no one right person. There is only one's ability to give and receive love

so what do you say? :)

Gave Ps Jeff a birthday card with an edited pic of his fav. soccer player

Wednesday, September 14

I've learnt the joy of being a Christ's ambassador

Recently got to know Ai, a Thai who comes to Singapore to study. She is only 12 years old and her aunt is from Hope as well. Before her aunt went back to Bangkok, she kinda entrusted her to our care. She hopes that we will take care of her and to bring her to come to know Christ too.

Ai is not the typical Thai and 12 years old that I know. She can speak fluent English, reads widely and mature for her age. I've got to have lunch with her and wendy before metamorphosis concert. Took the opportunity to share with her the bridge diagram and my conversion testimony. At that point, I knew that she wasnt ready to receive Christ as she still had some unanswered questions. She told me about the Buddhist book she read and some questions she had.

Then last Sat, she came for Service again. This time, I prayed in my heart that she will come to know Christ. Half way through the teaching, as if sensing that I would ask her to receive Christ again, told me that her family are Buddhist and she want it that way. My heart kinda sank then, nevertheless, I encouraged her to listen to the message with a open heart. She didn’t raise her hand during the altar call and I felt so much compassion for her. I know that Christ is real and He loves her so so much. Prayed in my heart for God to touch her. Explained and clarified with her about God. And the moment came and my heart was beating fast.

"So do you want to receive Jesus as your leader, forgiver and friend?"


"Yes" she said.

I tell you at that point of time, I just feel like crying and shouting for joy.

When one sinner repent, the whole heaven rejoices :)

Who dare says that its a number game? Seriously nothing compares to this. Everything that I do or are doing, isnt it to reach out to people who have not heard the gospel? Isnt this what its about? Its really serves as a reminder for me. Outreach is NOT a chore, its compassion for people!

Use me Lord! Help me have the courage and use me as your mouth piece.

Tuesday, September 13

new blogskin.. no more free advertisement for M1!

Friday, September 9

wow so many things happened in the past few days.

the church staff went to kurup from mon till wed.
We met on mon morn at east coast park for a cycling team games. We were supposed to solve some "chim" puzzles and observe the surroundings. Hmm.. my group went to rent the bicycle in the wrong rental shop and cycled for a very long time. (close to 2 hours) It was fun nevertheless and a terrific workout!

After which, we took a coach to kurup. We attempted "dia dee" on the coach and it was a rocky ride. Kurup is a kelong. The weather was super hot and we have 5 meals per day! I think the guys will love it! Each meal except breakfast will have seafood (prawns and crabs) yummy!! How can I loss 2 kg with the way its going?

beautiful poster from steven, church staff

It was so much fun fellowshipping with the staff. Hardly do we get time like this. I played so many games and the most fun for me which is also my latest craze … LOTR Risk. I tell you, shirls and I are crazy over it. We can play RISK for hours.

simply breathtaking, from steven

We visited the forest track and also the fish farm. It was a refreshing get-away from the bustle of Singapore. Then we had a presentation night and I acted as a "Thunder Crab”" And I was "famous" overnight.. hahaaa.. They say I looked really "cartoonish" acting as the thunder crab!

Who should I say? We have met God and were ministered!
Metamorphosis was a great experience. But this can also be a daily experience as God is near and He is here :)

Sunday, September 4

wanna say a BIG THANKS to my co- labourers especially my core team!
Had a great time today celebrating jency's birthday at the esplanade rooftop :)
Jerel, Dewen and I went to shop for food before the celebration. Bought chicken, pizzas, fruits, chips, mashmallows, pudding and cake.. yummy..

It was drizzling when we reached the esplanade rooftop but God is good to us. The few drops of rain stopped and the dark clouds were blown away. While waiting for them, we had a few rounds of dia dee. Guess who is the dia dee king? Its been a long time since i've played, missed the times that i played dia dee with jessie overnight :) Jessie, if you are reading this, lets do it again. But hor, when Jessie losses, she tends to credit the lost to her not so good cards. hee hee

When the girls reached, we proceed to answering some sensitive questions, the questions range from crush to saddest moments to worst fears... got to know each other better. Then we played "lao ying zhua xiao ji", Pepi si cola and catching!!! Its a great workout and seems to go back to childhood.. hey, i feel that i have more enegry that you guys lor even though i am older. hahaa..

Then prayed and affirm Jency. Hey girl, you are precious to God and valuable to us too :)

And time really flew, before we knew it, it was 11pm! I've enjoyed my care group thoroughly! Love you guys and gals! So glad that we can serve God and enjoy life together.

Also well done guys grp! They reached 20 today :) Revival is happening. Lets keep the growth coming :)

Tomorrow we are playing paintballs during ULM
And I will be away from Mon to Wed to Kurup for staff retreat.
Then Metamorphosis on Thurs!!!

I am so so looking forward to them :)

Shall have an early night.. Good nite everyone!

Thursday, September 1

Happy Birthday Jency !

You have been a gift from God to me :)
You are always so bubbly, cheerful and positive. Even when the situations may not seems good, you always maintain a positive outlook and a "never say die" spirit. I admire your "can do" spirit. Thanks for your service to God & His flock and all the support you've given me.

I value you greatly :)