Thursday, December 7

Celebrated Jasmine's birthday at JB last Tuesday :)
She was my second shepherd and she has impacted my life in a big way. She was the one who has laid down the christian foundation in my life. Through her, i learnt courage, passion and an all-out love for God. She is simply fantastico!

A meal together...Oh i have also rebonded my hair, look so neat for a change :P

Counting down to camp!

Monday, December 4

I'm suffering from withdrawal symptons without coffee :(
When did I start to develop such strong affection for coffee ?
Every morning along my way to office, i will always get a cup of coffee from the nearby coffee shop. You can smell the strong aroma as the uncle makes the coffee. Nothing beats this 80cents coffee. Thick, non sweetening and so fragrant...

And i decided to fast from it. Not for physical but spiritual health.
Prior to my HK trip when it comes to fasting, i didnt think that i need to fast from coffee. I wouldnt think of it as an addiction, its just a drink wat...

Then we had a meal with Ps Arlene from HK. She was sharing with us on how God has challenged her to quit coke and how that strengthens her in her spiritual life. She added that its good for us to break certain addictions in our lives and we will experience freedom/growth. She encourages us to do likewise. Then she turned to me eyeball to eyeball (of all the other 6 people) , she said "like quitting coffee" and she went on with the rest of the conversation... wah man! The rest were giggling away cos they know my love for it.

This statement haunts me...hahaaa... i was in a state of denial...
"But coffee not bad wat... one cup a day is good for health"

Then God reminded me yesterday
"Are you able to let go?"

The let go test... am i?
am i willing to?

Yes! I want to!
So no more coffee till end of the year...
Believing God for spiritual growth in personal life and ministry!
Coffee shall not have me...heheee

Friday, December 1

my blog has been pretty dead... cos this is quite a packed month for me.
went to thailand earlier this month, then JB for staff retreat and just came back from Hong Kong.To top it off, i have 2 preachings ... scary... one coming up tomorrow ..

So i guess i will blog more on my learnings after tomorrow... hopefully... meanwhile these are some random pictures taken during my trips

thailand airport

kota tinggi waterfall

my favourite boy ;)

hong kong!

thats all for now :)