the NW leaders for making the effort to meet up before the camp for the briefing and the enthusiasm to lead and to cheer continuously!!!
The team who made the NW banner
All who made the effort to bring the coke shaker

Then it was preparation for the teaching on the Holy Spirit.
I'm so convinced that I need the Holy Spirit.
"I thirst and hunger for you, my friend! Guide me & lead me. I dun ever wanna walk alone without you! Hold my hands and lead me on. I love you so much!"
Day 2
It was crazy... during the worship i had this sudden urge to go forward to pray out in a new tongue... not the prayer tongue but the gift of tongue... Prior to this, i have similar urging but this time round, its quite strong. I asked God, "is this from you or from myself?" But in my heart, i know that it cant be from myself as it comes rather sudden.
Holy Spirit says "Have faith. I will put words in your mouth"
"But Lord, tell me the meaning of the tongues and i will go"
"Go then i will give you words to say. "
Again prior to this camp, God has spoken to me to be God conscious rather than self conscious. But i was quite scared... cos i dunno what my tongues will sound like and what the interpretation will be like... what if it never come?
But deep in my heart, i know that its from God... I took the step of faith and walked forward to the stage. That felt like the longest walk of my life :P I went up to Shuz and she passed me the mike.. my heart nearly stopped.. After Daniel is done with praying, he looked at me, giving me a signal to go ahead... oh man, i was terrified!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But praise God!!! He is so faithful... When i spoke out in tongues & the interpretation, the words just came!! It felt so great! I realised the importance of obedience, stepping out in faith and God will do the rest :)
Then later the night, when i closed the worship, the tongues came again... this time the interpretation was confirmed by shirls... wow man!! Unbelieveable! Am so awed by the giver!!
Day 3
I was on my knees during the worship... simply in awe of my maker... felt his power and his glory... how can anyone stand before our God and remain unchanged? How can anyone see God and not be moved? Impossible!!!!!
Bring it on! Thought that redemption is cool!! ok i m biased... heheee... the rest of the teams were very cool too!!
Ignite... simply madness!!!!
during the worship, i was so in awe of God... God spoke to me personally about not worrying and trusting in him!! He promised to take care of me. ok God i m entrusting my all, my life to you. You have never let me down and I know you never will!
shirls talked about holy discontentment..
oh man... i am seriously discontented!
How come the grp grows so slow?? There are about 200 high schools and JCs in Singapore... if each sch has 1000 pple then it will be 200 000 youths!! Goodness while we are living such exciting and purposeful life, what are the rest of the youths in the world doing? I'm not contended with just worshipping Jesus like this... there are many more pple out there who need the love of Christ... Living with Jesus is the most exciting way to live!! Come on, we got to build the house of God together! 1000 out of 200 000, are these too many for God?
If God is for us, who can be against us?
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