Thursday, November 24

no inspiration to blog
it has been a fast paced week or rather weeks. Things have been moving fast but exciting of course

after i come back from Sibu, we had a church prayer meeting. Followed by a 3 days LC. This has been a faith booster for me, cant help being so in awe of God

During the 2nd night of the healing rally, there was a pre-believer who was deaf on her left ear. After laying hands on her and prayer, someone spoke from her left ear and she could hear! Her daughter called her HP and she picked up from her left ear. She could repeat after what her daughter said. It was amazing. She said that she needed a hearing aid for her right ear too but after prayer, she could hear clearly without the aid.

But one thing baffles me...
When asked if she wants to receive Christ as her forgiver and leader in her life, she said "no". Then we asked her
"Can you hear from you left ear before prayer"
"Can you hear from your left ear now?"
"Yes, i can"
"Do you believe that God has healed you?"

We explained to her that God does not just want to hear her physically but as a whole being as well and for eternity too. But she rejected. Perhaps she has some misconception about God but this really bewilders me... "Why?" I came to a conclusion that God is merciful and his grace is truly abundant! Imagine if i am God.... hahaaaa

God is not just powerful and able.. He is very loving and gracious too.
How i love my God :)


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