Wednesday, November 3

Well done NE!
We did very well even in the midst of exams. We grew by about 10 people, last week we had 131 in SS and 120 in CG. Keep it up!

It’s just so amazing when I reflect on God’s grace. I remembered years ago when I was struggling with my group. We wanted to reach 40 then but instead of growing, we dropped quite a far bit. I was really disheartened and it was quite a long period of drought. I remembered crying with my core team in symnar assembly after our service as the turnout was really bad. I started to seek ways to rectify the situation by seeking counsel and so on. Just dun understand what went wrong. To make matters worse, two of my sheep left. I was really devastated.

But God is very faithful. Upon reflection, that was a hard-going time but a fruitful time of pruning. I wouldn’t want to trade this experience for better times. Hee hee.. doubt I will say this then. God purified my motives. I began to question myself “Do I serve God just because I see results?” “Is God a liar?” I also realised that its indeed not me. On my own, I can’t do anything. But in Christ, I can be somebody. I learnt to rejoice in those times and to hang on to God’s word even when things aren’t happening yet. I day dreamed and pictured myself sharing on stage about how God has turned the situation around.

Serving 100 has always been a dream but God made it a reality.

Lets believe God for greater things in our lives because we are serving a Great and Unlimited God. Don’t insult him. Don’t be discouraged if things aren’t happening yet. God is not a man that He should lie. If you dare trust Him, He will make them come to pass. You know I often wonder to myself, God’s church will grow from glory to glory, in other words, shouldn’t the church now be even more powerful than the Acts church? Lets allow God to use us to be a blessing and use us to be an encouragement & example to the rest :)
"God, we are trusting you for more. It’s not about us but you working in us. We are just your pencils :) Use us to write history."


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