Thursday, April 8

What's so good about Good Friday?

His Love
Humbly borne in a manger, though He could afford a
golden cradle
Never had a house on earth nor a place of rest to be called His own
Mocked and laughed at when He bore the cross you're supposed to carry up
Was denied by friends and relatives; disgraced, hanged between two thieves

Nails pierced His hands, yet never protested on saving a sinful dying land
No grudge was voiced out from His holy mouth because love He is all about
As a lamb He was sacrificed, a long time promise just for you He satisfied
Life eternally with you, my friend, He longs to be, from sins you were set free

Unfathomable questions have been answered and prophecies have been fulfilled
Your a blood-bought, priceless possession He is waiting for to follow his lead
On the cross He was crucified, died and was buried, but on the third day rose

He conquered death with victory, declaring how much He loves you wholeheartedly

Good Friday is good not becos its a holiday.
Lets remember the love of Christ and live a life worthy of Him!


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