I am so encouraged when I see the people respond to wanting to take up new roles for God! Even a new believer left her seat to respond, it's just wonderful. I have prayed for this sister and I meant what I prayed. God will use you greatly as you yield your life to him. Will surely see you to lead a care group by next year March!
It also struck me today that CG404 is not just a goal for Singapore but its a miniature picture of what the world will be like when this goal is fulfilled. We will be a great encouragement to the nations. So I need to act locally even as I think globally.
Also wanna thank God for this family! I was reflecting on one of the conversations made. Its true that this family isn't perfect. Come on, look into the mirror and we will know why. But I still thank God for this family becos this is where God has placed me in. I grew up spiritually here, here I was spirit baptized, here I learnt to serve, here I learnt to give and here I mature in God. I thank God for the vision and the love I've received in this family. I thank God for the people around me especially my direct leader and sheep who have been patiently tolerating and submitting to me. Hehe... Times when I was harsh and impatient with them; they didn't gossip against me but continue to be so supportive. I thank God that I am accepted here. Thank God for NE, for the enthusiastic and giving spirit of the people. Such teachable people who readily responded when challenged. I thank God that in this church I am taught to be biblical and to have a biblical vision to win the world. I can be somebody in God and use this short life of mine to impact the world. I love this family!
There are "up" times and I know that there will be some "down" times as well. Times that we rubbed shoulders, times that we stepped on each other, times that we feel down but I pray that we will never ever quit on this family. You wouldn't quit on your physical family even when times are rough so why would you do that to the spiritual family? God has given us this family; let's go through life together, through thick and thin. Till death to us part =)
I want to stay committed to this family.
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