"The greatest thing in all my life is knowing you"
When we sang this song during the PCLM, many memories just came back to me. I remembered years ago at this "Life in the Spirit" camp.. this preacher was talking about knowing God initimately. He said do not just know the God of the house but to know God himself. Meaning dont just know God because of ministry. At the begining when God appeared to Jacob, Jacob didnt know God. Thus He had to introduce himself as the God of his fathers, Abraham and Isaac. But after Isaac westled with God and had an encounter with him. He knew God personally... and God didnt have to introduce himself... that sermon spoke to me. I responded to God that day and i remembered singing this song "the greatest thing in all my life is knowing you".. is YOU!I made a committment in my relationship with God.
Then when we sang that song again in PCLM, i heard the gentle voice of the Holy Spirit
"Do you recognise me now?"
tears just streamed down my face
God has poured down so much of his love and grace in my life. All these years, he has never failed to guide me, love me, comfort me, direct me, rebuke me, inspire me, believe in me, being so patient with me and shown himself to me. He has been holding on to my hands all these while...
his love and presence just overwhelms me
Yes Lord, I do recognise you now
You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me.
I will not trade you for anything else