Tuesday, February 28

random post and pictures
realised that there are many pictures on my phone not downloaded onto my pc

Chuli, the pic you've been waiting for.. the auntie pic.. hahaa.. aiya not so bad la

my new sheep.. Jinqi :)

pretty ladies.. this pic has been on my phone for so long. Taken during CNY. How are you Jessie? :)

my cousin.. i adore her. she is our little devil!
and my brown contact lens :)

Wednesday, February 22

had so much fun at Sentosa the other time :D

bright and sunny .. love it!

Aren't we nuts? :D

this was before our conspiracy to throw debbie into the sea .. hehee.. trying to get her to come close to the water... look at our evil smiles.. sorry deb! She's such a good sport.

Monday, February 20

had a great time of prayer during our sdmm last saturday.
it was a great time of crying out to God and claiming His promises.

You gals and guys really own the group, passionate, teachable and willing to go all out. Felt so proud of my team :) Its such a joy serving with you.

And thanks for everything! From the encouraging words, to the cookie, to helping me hail a cab when i was sick, to the kind smses, and helping me find the lost watch ... appreciate it :)

I am so convicted about the west ministry.
I felt so strongly in my heart that the smallest shall become the biggest. West , like a mustard see will grow to become a big tree that the birds of the air will come and make its dwelling in it.
I say it with confidence for i know that God is with us and we really really want it so badly.

I have not been so desperate in my life.. hahaa
But seriously, i pray that God will show His glory and His greatness in us.
Not becos we are skilled or good, in fact many times, we are neither
We are simply willing vessel availing ourselves to our creator.

"God use us to be a testimony of your faithfulness, your power, love and greatness!"

Wednesday, February 15

Lord, I'm exhausted.
Heaps of things undone, deadlines to meet, expectations to live up to, problems to solve..
Oh, how I need your strength.
You know, I ain't no super woman...
I'll be dead meat if you dont help me

Yet I remember your words
"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me--watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."
Matt 11:27-31 (The Message)

How this brings comfort to my soul..
thank you