Wednesday, July 27

Three Americans came last Monday and we brought them around. You should have seen their fascination about durians. And one of them actually ate them for breakfast. There was also a Hopekids training at Nexus last night. It went on quite smoothly.

Thanks to Xueting and her team for helping me with the kids and arrangement of the chairs. I felt quite bad cos inititally thought that there will be 15 kids but only 3 turned up. Nevertheless, it was fun seeing them pray with the kids. One of the boy attempted to climb up Gerald and he looks like a Kola bear and Gerald the tree trunk.

I’m super exhausted :(
Haven’t been home before 7pm a long time.
Tell you a secret… I have not washed my hair for 2 days.. hehee
Cos I felt dead tired everytime I got home.. wanted to go bed directly…

I need rest!!

Monday, July 25

its amazing.. i was thinking of this particular song for a long time (since camp).. i felt that its a mnistering song but i forgot the tune of it. Tried to figure out for some time, even ask Shirls but still cant get it..last night, i actually dreamt that i remembered the tune of the song. I was so happy and when i woke up in the morning... i could recall the tune of the song... heheee

this reminds me of another incident when i was learning guitar. i couldnt remember how to strum the guitar, forgot the beat. Then i dreamt about it that night and i could figure out how to play in the morning. Cool... isn't it? hahaa

Also, i want to highly recommend this book "Answers and Reasons" by Josh Mcdowell. This book answers common questions asked about God, Bible and Christianity. The answers given are comprehensive yet easy to understand. This book is also good for our personal conviction about God... in the midst of reading this book.

i wanna thank my team for working hard for the harvest. To-date we have about 30 plus visitors who have visted us and 9 salvations. Lets continue to follow up and follow through on them. I am believing God for 70 strong believers .. this has been something we wanted for a long time... this is the "Jericoh wall" we want to break... come on pple..

this is how we look like before the 70 ...

heehee... guess how we will look like after??

Friday, July 22

random pics... to show that i CAN upload pictures and show off my hp..hahaa

my favourite kid...arent she pretty? Pris says that i m harrassing her -_-

pretty pic..heheee.. and its so orangey

goodness...dun we look alike..heehee

will shirls kill me for this?

how about this? adventuous shirls

and this... pretty shirls and shuz

more pictures coming ...

Wednesday, July 20

Announcement time :)

Just some clarification for the discipleship seminar.
Note that the closing date is THIS SAT.

Discovering My Identity
1 Aug (Monday) 3.30- 6pm Nexus Auditorium Only $3
This course can be for EVERYONE

People Helping Seminar
29 July (Next Fri) 7.30 – 10pm Nexus Auditorium $5 for students
This course is for CLs/ULs ( maybe only the functioning ULs go only cos its confirmation night)

People Helping Skills workshop
31 July (Next Sunday) 9am -1pm $5 for Youth
This course is ONLY for functioning CLs

Please fill up the forms, make the payment at the information counter by this Sat.

Lastly, combined CLM this Sat, 6.30pm at America Room ;)

Monday, July 18

i am such a turtle.. didnt know how to upload picture onto blog until NOW!!
Unbelievable...heehee.. considering the fact that I'm a IT student and i took up web design. What a disgrace... shallnt mention the name of my school...heehee.

Ting commented that my blog design is ugly..wah.. thanks for being frank.. And Jency has kindly agreed to help me change the design.. thanks!

Can you see us bullying our shepherd... hahaa.... poor shirls
BTW, do you know that Ps Ben has a blog!!
Check this out

Wednesday, July 13

You know something??

I went to the gym yesterday! I’ve done it. Finally…
Now my whole body is feeling the after effects… pain!!

Missed my parents. It has been really quiet without them.
But I shall enjoy the serenity while it last.

What should I say? God has been good… so is life.
Not that everything is going well… contrary to that.. there are challenges, problems to tackle, struggles and emotions to deal with.

But life is still good cos I know God is there.
When I’m weak then I’m strong. Now I understand what Paul says.
When I’m the weakest then God’s strength can be manifested in me.

So take heart, as we struggle, we are not doing it alone.

Monday, July 11

I'm being lazy now.. hahaa... so distracted.
I have many things to do , really got to learn to multi-task and FOCUS!
I was supposed to go gym during lunch time. So convicted about working out but guess what.. i had lunch instead!! Actually not my fault cos there is a visitor who came to office and we got to show our hospitality by bringing her out for lunch. So next time! Aiyo... i really want to do it... enough talk eelee!!! I'll box myself if i never go the next time!

my parents have flew off to HongKong till Thurs thus i will have the whole house to myself. Peace ... heehee... but i hope they really have fun. I've recently discovered that my parents have aged.. having white hair, wrinkles and so on... Kinda scared..Talked to my mom about God few days ago. We were just talking about the London blast, how life is so temporal and i asked her to come to church. She told me that she is busy as usual but the comforting thing is that she told me that she prays everyday!

"Heavenly Father, as i honour you and take care of your family, please take care of my family. Let me and my household come to serve you!!! help me see a cg being conducted at my hse and my parents serving with me. "

Friday, July 8

Check out our first ever West blog

Well done Alesha :)

Thursday, July 7

Had an "overdose" of coffee bread. My mom bought "roti-mum" yesterday then when my uncle visited, guess what... he bought “roti-boy” … so coincidental… its amazing how ideas are copied so fast… last time was bubble tea… now even bread can be plagiarised …hmm what can we learn from here?

I realized that I am such a complaint queen...

Waited very long (in my definition) for the bus to come this morning.
I thought to myself, “I rushed out of the house so early but this stupid bus will cause me to be late. This is so unfair.”

But why is it unfair?

“Err… because I stay in Singapore and things are supposed to be efficient here especially the transportation?”

So is it fair that you are staying in Singapore, you have a roof over your head and you do not need to worry about your 3 meals while there are some who do not even have a proper house to stay and meals to eat?

Then when I finally board the bus, I begin to grumble again… What, no mobile TV? I want to watch the report about London…

What an irony, i am actually complaining about myself complaining -_-
I can’t stand myself at times or rather many times… wonder how people can stand me or how God can stand me when He knows my every thought. Isn’t it amazing how patient God is? And thanks folks for bearing with me :)

Learn to give thanks … I need to count my blessings

Be thankful for…
The clothes that fit a little too tight

because it means I have enough to eat.

The pile of laundry and ironing
because it means I have clothes to wear.

For weariness and aching muscles at the end of the day
because it means that I am capable of working hard

The person behind me in church who sings off key
because it means that I can hear.

The alarm that goes off in the early morning hours
because it means that I'm alive.

And finally… for all the problems and challenges we face
Because it means that miracles are coming our way!

Wednesday, July 6

the harvest is HERE

"Do you not say, 'Four months more and then the harvest'? i tell you, open your eyes and LOOK at the fields! They are ripe for harvest." John 4:35

The time is now. We've been talking about this, praying about this, training and learning on this... enough talk, lets act upon our conviction now.

remember our committments to God in camp?
If we dare to ask, God will dare to give.
However words without action is dead. How to know if someone really believes? Isnt it through their actions?

Fellow servants of God, now is the time.
Its not gonna be easy but its WORTH it.
With God on our side, what can we not do?

IMultiply for Jesus :)

Tuesday, July 5

i was on mc yesterday.. had a bad sore throat and cough. The doctor gave me a super strong antibotics and i am now well and alive!!

i was reading "The Quest for Character" by Charles R.Swindoll. Its a good book. Reminded me of the basics. Touched by this "Psalm of single- mindedness" written by Joe Bayly.

Lord of reality
make me real
not plastic
pretend phony
an actor playing out his part
I don't want
to keep a prayer list
but to pray
Nor agonize to find Your will
but to obey
what I already know
to argue
theories of inspiration
but to submit to Your Word
I don't want
to explain the difference
between eros and philos and agape
but to love
I don't want
to sing as if I mean it
I want to mean it
I don't want
to tell it like it is
but to be like You want it
I don't want
to think another needs me
but I need him
else I'm not complete
I don't want
to tell others how to do it
but to do it
I don't want
to have to be always right
but to admit it when I'm wrong
I don't want to be a census taker
but an obstetrician
Nor an involved person, a professional
but a friend
I don't want to be insensitive
but to hurt where other people hurt
Nor to say "I know how you feel"
but to say, "God knows"
and "I'll try if you'll be patient with me"
and meanwhile I'll be quiet
I don't want to scorn the clichés of others
but to mean everything I say
Including this

Friday, July 1

I have a terrible habit... I eat alot when i feel stress!
And I have been munching alot for the past weeks. It's really time to workout.
I am considering going back to Dino, anyone interested?

Talking about Dino. We were so excited about it initially; we talked about it so often, shopped for sports attire and made prior arrangements to go Dino. Infact we have never missed a single appointment for the first month. But the excitement started to die down. We found ourselves having to drag our feet there on the third month and we stopped completely on the fourth -_-
hee hee so typical. Actually I enjoy the workout but it’s quite a hassle to travel and put it simply... laziness! But now I shall revive it! Can you sense my determination? Hahaa… Sms me if you are interested ok? More people, more motivation and more discount ;)

I'm excited about the service and also the “unit identify image competition” tomorrow. Heard from Joyce and Ting what they are going to do... sounds cool! hahaa... I better prepare good prizes seeing all of you put effort into this.

West, lets fill up 9 rows tomorrow! Lets tell the world what Jesus has done!