Tuesday, June 28

Some random thoughts

went to the zoo with my CG on Sunday! its been a long time since i've been there. Fancy, 9 grownups going zoo .. heehee.. it was fun nonetheless.. dont really like animals but i guess its the company that makes the difference.

Happy Birthday Debbie!
Not sure if you will read this but wanna say a big THANK YOU to God for blessing you in my life. You've been a gift from God :) thanks for everything - Enjoyed having you as my sheep for the past few years. You've matured much, continue to grow man!

Goodbye NE
Words cant express how thankful i am to God for placing me in this family. Had many sweet memories in this team :)
RC – securing, cleaning up and beautifying the place … finally a place we call home!
NE sports day – the practice at the stadium and of course the winning
Student camp – the Egypt presentation
NE camp – from the beg to the end , staying at the holiday flat, praise and worshipping at the Chinese restaurant (deafening music… heehee), bgr seminar in the small room.
Breaking 100 – had been in the wilderness of 90 plus for sometime and finally together, we broke 100
The many projects we had – I want to be a shepherd, Operation X2
The many restructurings we had … he heee
The many meetings we had … in the hot and small RC, praise God, we have seen how we have filled up the place…
Of course, the wonderful dmm I was in – miss you all :)
One of the greatest pleasures is to see many of you maturing and growing in the Lord. Many a times, its as if seeing my children growing up… heehee… I have seen many of you come in when you were a little smaller, younger, shorter but look at you now! Hee hee

I’m very sure that all these are just the beginning. Many good things are yet to come and happen! Invite me when you guys have your sports day. Appreciate the NE leaders, these are people who go all out for the Lord, I’m sure together, you guys will make history!

Go West!
Its been a great pleasure knowing you gals & guys. All of you have a BIG heart for Jesus, always hungry for growth. An obedient and willing bunch of people. Thanks for making my leading so pleasurable! Thanks for repeating your names to me again and again … hee hee… getting old… God will surely use us greatly. Remember us praying and working hard for our 60 by end Jun goal? Great New! We had 64 last Sat!! We didn’t just hit our goal but we BROKE it! This shows that with God on our side and when we put our hearts & hands together, we can surely make it. Let’s make this our minimal ok? West is a big piece of land *salivating* We want to see a strong west filled with people who are passionate for Jesus, a strong and large community! We can surely do it together. 70 by end jul!

BTW, do dress up and show your unit identity this Sat!! heeheee… show us your originality and creativity!

Thursday, June 2

many happenings these past weeks... hmm... where should i start?
ok start with my Joburg testimonies.

This was my first visit to South Africa. The climate was cold but a refreshing change from the humid Singapore. The South Africans are warm and friendly people. Even strangers would ask us how we were doing and one couple even offered to show us the direction, thinking that we were lost.

One of the highlights of the trip was the camp. The camp was held at the valley and it’s a great getaway from the bustle of the city. I had a great time fellowshipping with the African brothers & sisters. They are very musical people, often times, they will break into African songs and dance. We too attempted to dance like them. Alvin also shared with them a Chinese song and they sang along with us. It was great fun! It is a miniature picture of what it will be like when every tongue and tribe worship God. We may be different in our skin colour but our spirits are the same.

I am also encouraged by the goodness of God in the lives of our brothers and sisters. Thomas, one of our South African brothers shared with us his testimony. He was the camp commander of this church camp. Just a few weeks before the camp, his boss asked him to work through the weekend which meant that he had to miss the camp. After much prayer, he asked the boss for permission to go for the camp. God answered his prayer. The boss not just permitted him to go for the camp but allowed him to leave earlier the day before.

Another brother, Tabishu, his family is poor and can’t support him to University. But our God is the provider. Tabishu applied for a scholarship in one of the top university in Johannesburg. There were 600 applicants for this scholarship and only 70 people were selected. He was one of them.

Another experience that touches my heart was a visit to one of the care group meetings. Elvis, the care leader invited us to his house. It was located in the middle of a squatter area. The house was built by him and after fitting a double bed and 2 small tables, there were hardly enough space for people to stand. And there were 17 of us -14 adults and 3 kids! Nevertheless we were undeterred by the surrounding. We worshipped God outside the house under the dark sky that is filled with stars. It was a wonderful time, proclaiming the goodness of God in the open space and the sound of praise resounding at the squatter. After the worship, we packed ourselves into the small room and Elvis shared with us the Word. Many shared testimonies of God’s goodness. It was an unforgettable experience. We in Singapore are really blessed, yet many times we complain that we have not enough & hold back on serving God.

Many things they are doing in Johannesburg are similar to what we are doing in Singapore. Most importantly, we have the same vision. While Hope Singapore has the vision to build strong and biblical people to plant strong and biblical churches in Singapore and all over the world, their vision is to build strong and biblical people to plant strong and biblical churches in South Africa and all over the world. We speak the same heart language. Thus we can connect despite the cultural differences. It just warms my heart to see our African brothers and sisters having this same vision and serving God with the similar commitment and fervency. I’m reminded that all these would not have happened if not for the church planters who were willing to pay the price.

While I was there, I heard stories about the courage of our pioneers. Joburg has one of the highest crime rates in the world. The church planters were undaunted by the dangers and they served God boldly and courageously. I’ve heard about how one of them took the guitar and shared the Gospel boldly in the streets. And how one sister travelled alone in the night to follow up and outreach. (Pic 7) They have given up their stable jobs, homes and rooted themselves in a whole new environment to fulfil the Great Commission. If not for their sacrifices and obedience, we will not see have seen the church we are seeing today.

What we are doing here does make a difference too. While we were at Johannesburg, we encouraged our brothers and sisters with testimonies of what God is doing here. How our church started small, what we have gone through and what God is doing. In fact, Henry, one of the Johannesburg leader shared that in due time, they too will send a church planting team to another nation. Lets continue to act locally by pioneering CGs and think globally. I believe that God will use us the High School/JC ministries to make a difference.